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What Others Say


Some of my clients have been kind and generous enough to share their experience of our time together in order to help me promote my services to others. By sharing these examples, I hope to show you some real world examples of how working with me can help you.

Freddie FOX


"I have had the rare pleasure of training with Dominik over the last three years. I first approached him when he was a young coach in a corporate gym, and I a young man with no particular health or training ambitions other than to 'stay in shape'. After a month of training with him however, I felt palpably more energised, fitter, stronger, more connected to the world around me and the earth on which I live. I soon realised that his intuitive approach to fitness training could be transferred to serving me in my work as an actor, and over the last two years he has helped me create a number of characters for my work in film, television and in the theatre, transforming my body for different roles, and helping me use meditation as a method to connect to the characters I play. I use a variety of his services from personal training and yoga, to deep meditation and massage therapy, and can only say that I think he has a very rare gift indeed."

Maryam Mahdavi


"Dominik is an amazing massage therapist. It was special to meet someone who is so passionate about helping people on their journey to well-being. You are one of those rare people that have a natural ability and strong 'magic hands' that combined made for a wonderful and genuinely effective treatment. The therapy left me feeling warm and energised and my back feels great. I wouldn't hesitate in recommending you to others. In the meantime I imagine that your enthusiasm and love for what you do will take you far."

thomas eklund

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"New perspectives make for change and that’s what Dom will give you. He is a different beast altogether and will shed his unique light on your situation, with an approach to health and life that is truly holistic. Dom will have you questioning the unhealthy destructive things you perceive as normal and motivate you to make serious changes in order to create a stronger, more positive and healthy you."

Theresia Viska


"När jag var gravid för tio år sedan fick jag diskbråck. Jag har kontinuerligt kämpat med följdskador och fysioterapi. Jag tränar styrka och kondition 8-11 timmar i veckan och har ganska bra koll på kroppen nu. Diskbråcket är läkt och skadorna håller jag borta med rätt träning. Men jag har under alla år vaknat på nätterna med en molande värk i ländryggen. Det har varit svårt att hitta orsaken eftersom det är ett så vagt symtom. Min PT rekommenderade mig att få massage av Dominik. Första behandlingen var jag rädd för att få djup massage eftersom jag reflexmässigt ”skyddade” där det gjorde ont. Men efter två-tre behandlingar har något stort hänt. Jag är nästan rädd att jinxa något när jag säger det här, men jag har sovit hela nätter för första gången på tio år. Spänningarna runt länden är borta. Dominiks massage är varit en viktig pusselbit för min allmänhälsa."

filip schönbeck


"I came to Dom for treatment since I had shoulder pain. The treatment Dom did was at times painful but obviously with my consent but it was mixed with what I previously would have called "Hocus Pocus", like breathing exercises that helped my body relax and for tensions to be released. Dom isn't just one thing he really is holistic and embraces the best from different treatment philosophies and applies them for your well being regardless if it is rehab, prehab or pleasure."

susanna fröstad


"Dominik har en livs kraft som är väldigt kraftfull.  Han har även en nyfikenhethet på att lära sig snabbt och kan ta emot mycket information. Han har ett stort hjärta och bryr sig om människor på djupet . Detta gör honom till en starkare coach och massageterapeut. Jag har tagit hjälp av många tidigare för massage och övrig coachning. Det finns ingen som har masserat mig på det sättet som Dominik maserat mig. Han har en kraft i sina fingrar som gör att man kommer åt ställen som har skapat blockeringar både fysiskt och mentalt för mig. Det Dominik gör med sina händer är tio gånger starkare än var en vanlig massageterapeut klarar av. Som fysisk tränare är han också otroligt kompetent. Jag upplever att Dominique kan skapa en känsla av humor på en hög frekvens vilket gör att man blir mer tagga, inspirerad och mer frekvent i sitt träningsprogram. Han kickar igång elden i människor."

robert whitaker


"I started seeing Dominik for massage therapy as being a Director of a large Interiors business I sit at my desk for many hours and have resultant poor posture and stiffness plus pain in my lower back. The treatment was truly liberating. I felt totally at ease with him from the beginning and he intuitively found the knots and tightness and eased them away. He gave 100% to the treatment, in fact he seemed to treat me as if I was his first client of gthe day when he had actually already seen a few; his energy levels were admirable. Over a number of sessions in London he became my 'go to guy' each time I felt stressed or tired, and he also advised me on nutrition and general well-being. As I started to spend more time out of London we devised sessions where Dom visited me at my home in Oxfordshire for personal training and massage therapy. I am not someone who lets others into my personal space easily so I guess its a testament to the trust I feel that I have no concerns in having him visit at home in London or the country. He is also a really nice guy, funny and caring and a pleasure to be around; he makes everything easy and fun." 

åsa lind

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"Dominik has a very down-to-earth and no-nonsense approach combined with being fully committed to understanding his clients' needs and adapting his work to their benefit. He might be a bit unorthodox at times, which is actually quite refreshing. He will work hard to make you work hard to free your inherent energy! To me, his deep and broad knowledge of different techniques in yoga, massage, breathing and personal training as well as his empathic and insightful advice on life matters has helped me a tremendous deal. He made going through some tough times a little easier. I can highly recommend him."


"I really appreciate how holistic Dominik’s approach is. We’ve been doing different types of massage depending on what my need has been, most of the time deep tissue massage which has really helped me recover from a lot of soreness. What’s great is that he always tries to make sure that both spirit and body gets what it needs, using for example different oils, sounds to help you relax, light and just overall ambience in the room. He’s very professional and I’ve always felt I’ve been in good hands."


danielle stagg


"There's a lot to be said for finding someone who really understands what it is to listen. Over the years I have met and worked with many healers, therapists, psychologists and teachers, yet none have ever approached me with the same level of deep understanding, love and appreciation for well-being - spiritual and physical - as Dominik. From the moment we met, Dominik facilitated an immediate environment of calm and understanding. Free from judgement and ego, I truly believe his deep respect and love for life is what makes him one of the most calming, caring and powerful people I have ever met. Within a few minutes, he revealed and explained things I had been feeling for as long as I can remember - stories, aches and emotions that months of therapy had never uncovered but struck home immediately. His intuitive diagnosis and subsequent therapeutic course helped me heal parts of myself that I had almost given up on. After my sessions with him I left feeling; stronger, lighter, happier, calmer and more connected to the world (and myself) than I have in a very long time. I felt without question that my comfort, peace, well-being and healing journey were of the utmost importance. I also felt truly safe, relaxed and looked after - a very rare sensation for a modern and busy London woman! I'm not one for dishing out insincere praise, but I would, without hesitation, recommend Dom's very kind, wise, powerful and calming therapy for anyone looking to reconnect with themselves, their heart and their truth and to disconnect from the trials, pains and frustrations of the everyday. Go with an open heart and open mind and I'm confident you will benefit as I did."

Teo tapper


"Jag är väldigt nöjd med mina besök hos Dominik. Med Dominiks hjälp har jag börjat få kontroll över en flera år gammal skada som förminskat mitt rörelsemönster avsevärt. Det bästa med besöken är Dominiks approach mot hans kunder. Han är väldigt mån om att lära sig kring problemet och utforska olika möjliga lösningar. Jag fick under min första behandling både en rörelsegenomgång, en deep tissue massage, dry needling och en gedigen genomgång över viktiga stretch och övningar som jag skulle träna på inför nästa besök. Jag rekommenderar alla att höra av sig till Dominik för riktigt bra hjälp och rådgivning."

Håkan Larsson


"I have been going to Dominik for three months now and we have been doing a combination of training and treatment for my hip arthritis and I have noticed it getting better and better. Dominik is a warm person and a fantastic bodyworker. If you need help with your training, or if you are in pain you should try Dominik." 

Marcelo Ledezma


"Dominik has helped me through deep tissue massage and accurately pin pointed my injured / weak spots in order to help me to recover faster after workouts. And with his expertise known how and when to give the treatments. This has especially helped me before big competitions where the body is in most strain. Though my lifestyle is based on high level elite training, having Dominik as a massage therapist is a huge improvement for having a stronger and healthier body."

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