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In this (rather lengthy) page you will scroll down and (fast or slow) read all about the 'why, who, how and what' of working together, and, in the end, have a clear understand of all the ways we can team up and achieve your goal.

Of course it must be mentioned that for some of you this is a lot of information, and you may just be coming to me for a one-off massage appointment or yoga class... however, for those seeking a deeper experience, reading this is essential. 



(what you are might want or need as a client)



(who I am and the skills I have to help you)



(what working together could look like)



(the price of the services and programs) 


Call to Action

(after reading all this what happens do next)



Modern Human Seeking Growth


You (the person reading and interpreting this page right now) share the same mind-body vessel as me and all the human race - but you are also a unique person. Of course we can work on general and common things, such as 'fat loss', 'muscle mass', 'injury rehab' etc. These are common things people need help with and they are easy to fix.

Whoever you are, whatever your health goals or personal needs - I am sure we can work in a really enjoyable, effective and creative way. People have different needs from a mentor, some people just need a one off session, others, a rapid 4-week fat loss program... but some want a deeper adventure - say an epic 6 month mentoring program. It's up to you really.

To live and create a good life takes some real thought and energy. 
I am here to help you, drive those results, and make positive changes! 




Your Holistic Health Mentor


Mentor Dom (Dominik Reza Zaerin) earned his education and honed his craft under several renowned teachers in London. For over ten years now he has served his clients by facilitating; 1 on 1 training and therapy sessions, group classes, immersion programmes and retreats. Through his commitment, experience, and expertise his clients gain greater levels of well-being, relaxation and strength and achieve their goals.


“I support my clients and community to feel and function better. I work to help modern humans to become healthier, happier, and more alive in natural and holistic ways. I facilitate this by combining training and treatment, commitment and compassion, strong and soft styles, and ancient and modern systems that boost and nourish the body, mind and spirit.”

Mentor Dom.

Ready to Serve.




Our Great Work Together


Whatever is is you want or need to achieve in regards to your health and life in general - the entire process will be more effective (and enjoyable) with a competent and caring project partner. This is how I can help you. For the last thirteen years, I have been helping my clients achieve results and get ahead in their missions. What we work on and how is relative to you, but we will use proven systems to get the job done. Your job is to whole heartedly commit to your program and quest, let me take care of everything else. 



Let your goals become our project. My main aim is to help you with your overall health, fitness, and well-being, by using my skills and experience in yoga, coaching, personal training, and massage. I hope that by working together, you will quickly feel stronger and more energetic, experience less pain, and feel more motivated to succeed in whatever is important to you in your life. I want to support you in achieving measurable results, whilst still enjoying the journey towards getting there. 



Some clients approach me wanting a particular service or treatment, whilst others come to address health complaints that require a combination of my services. Some clients do not know what they want, and that's okay too, but know that they want to work with me and receive support and motivation. Whatever the case, straight-forward and honest consultation and communication are essential to ensure that I understand what you want and need. It all begins with a conversation. 



You may need me for initial start-up support and to receive a clear program and strategy. I find that many clients commit to regular and long-term programs with me one-to-one until their goals are achieved. I have had clients who want me to help them intensely and rapidly prepare or transform for a role or event, whilst I have had other clients who have wanted a slower, more long-term approach, in order to implement steady and sustainable changes. Everyone is on a unique path. 



We will start by pinpointing your fitness concerns, your health history and then discuss what the main goals for our work together will be. We will then evaluate and assess your current condition and co-create a strategy that considers every key aspect in order for you to succeed. Of course, we will work ‘hard’ together, but we also need to work ‘smart’! It is essential that I understand you and your situation as fully, so that we are effective, and don't waste any time or energy.



My sessions and programs will always reflect my reverence for nature and the individual, this means that we look within for the answers, that we implement a cleaner diet, it could be that we look to traditional and natural medicine to heal and nourish you. In any form, I advocate a natural and wholesome approach to fitness and well-being. I believe cleansing and strengthening your body can have a cleansing and strengthening effect on your entire life, and that to live in a truly balanced and fulfilled, way there are many factors to consider. I believe that these include life’s daily ups and downs and I’ll always listen without judgment. You will be amazed at what you can achieve when you feel truly supported and nurtured. As my client, it is my duty to care for you!



I am here to support you in making your goals become a reality as quickly, safely and enjoyable as possible. I am not here to impose myself on you or tell you what you should want or ‘must’ do. It is your body, your life, and your vision, my job is to compassionately serve you with my energy and skills, keep you consistently inspired and in action, handle all the ‘geeky stuff’ and give you the map to achieving your personal quest! We will have a plan, but will always stay flexible. 





How Much To Pay And How


I sell my services for an hourly fee, this is both online and IRL (in real life). The hourly rate is based on the level of commitment you make. Why? Because it is easier, better and more effective to work together over a course of time - rather than a one off session. You can book in sessions and packs with me directly, or for single sessions via the Swedish appointment booking systems called Bokadirekt.

Mentor Dom's Bokadirekt Page



1 Hour Session: 990kr

5 Hour Pack (-5% discount): 4,700kr

10 Hour Pack (-10% discount): 8,900kr

20 Hour Pack (-15% discount): 16,800kr


Book a free telephone consultation with me if you are seriously considering working together for more than just a single session - so that we have an honest discussion about it all, and potentially start designing a plan of action.


Payments Options




Bank Transfer

Payment Details ​

Swish: 1233304359
Nordea Business Account

Plusgiro: 1821927-9
Bankgiro: 5547-1965 
IBAN: SE42 9500 0099 6026 1821 9279
Clearing Code: 9960

Account Number: 2618219279




Terms & Conditions

Tax: All prices have the 25% Swedish VAT / MOMS tax already included within the stated price. 


Cancellation Policy: Unless it is a genuine emergency, or the case of sickness, a standard 48 hour cancellation policy is active for all booked sessions.


Use of Sessions: You may decide to share your bought sessions with friends, family and / or colleagues for example and this can be given to them in the form of a gift card or a simple text or email. Sharing is caring :)

Refunds: No refunds are offered on packs bought and already paid for unless we both mutually agree to it. 

These standard prices are for all private individuals and does not reflect the prices I charge companies and businesses.

For more customised programs and agreements, a quote shall be sent after you communicate what you want.


Financing: Pricing plans (instalments) to help you finance our work with me are available upon request if you contractually agree to commit to a larger block of sessions over time.

Concessions: I offer (discretionary and limited) grants and discount deals for people who really need (or deserve) to work with me but cannot afford my standard prices. These are typically based on if somebody really needs my help, your situation is very serious and urgent, and / or your potential and talent grant you an honest chance to work with a Mentor.



Call To Action

Moving From Theory Into Practice



This invitation is available to those who are genuinely interested in working with me. I offer this service to you in order get to know you more personally and make a real human connection. We will openly discuss how and why we could work together, and ask each other important questions. 



Once I receive your email we can schedule in the consultation, either face to face or through a telephone or online video conversation. After this communication, we will both have the required information to decide if we want to start a journey together or book in some sessions. Some of the key points that we will need to discuss include:



  • What are your goals and what is your current situation?

  • How can I help you and what services interest you?

  • What would be the time frame and frequency of our work together?

  • When would you want to start our work and where?

  • Important details: fitness, health, injuries, diet, location, lifestyle, job etc…

  • Any questions you may have for me?

  • What now? How shall we proceed? 



Generally speaking, we will simply have an honest, down to earth and focused chat, so that we can find out what you need and how I can help you. Of course, I will answer any questions you have for me, but my focus is more on listening and understanding you. It is important to remember that this conversation is all about you.


Call to Action

I have done my best to clarify the entire process of how I care for my clients and the steps to begin the work, but the only way to really accomplish anything is to try it out, to take action. If you are ready to receive my support and commit to your growth and development - I will do my absolute best to give you the solution you need. 


Let's do good and smart work together. 

Stronger Together. 



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